4 Things You Must Do As An Entrepreneur

Rebekka Lien


Come join us for this coming Thursday’s Yoga and Meditation class- 7-8pm 

1. Write down what your PRIORITIES are-

If your priorities is to grow your business and learn as much as you can about your business, going to VEGAS may not be what is in your budget or even time and energy. If your priorities is to develop strategies in your business, then hanging out with friends who just want to have fun all the time is not on your TO DO list. If you are trying to create a new business or website, maybe you have marketing expenses, you’ll have to skip the weddings and birthday parties. Obviously, there are times that going to those events are advantageous, but you learn to cut out “niceties” – things that you do because you feel bad or because you “should” versus you “want to”.

2. Shrug your shoulder and back…

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